数贸会嘉宾说 | 地卫二空间技术(杭州)有限公司创始人温卓明
杭州网  发布时间:2024-09-13 09:13   











Hello everyone, I m Wen from STAR.VISION. Our company is an AI enterprise, specifically focusing on intelligent aerospace technology. Our main goal is to deploy AI into space and gather more data through these space-based AI systems. We then use these data to provide services to users around the world.


We represent the new generation of digital trade, which is not carried out through the traditional internet but via a space computing system developed by us. This platform allows us to facilitate digital trade.


Speaking of digital trade, I have some deep personal feelings about it, and there s a story behind it. I started being engaged in international trade quite early, at around 2004. Back then, international trade was a standard form of cooperation for China with the rest of the world. Products made in China were shipped by sea or by train to Europe, the United States, and Southeast Asia. This was traditional trade. But as the digital economy has evolved, we ve now entered the era of digital trade.


It can be divided into two types: ground-based digital trade, which primarily relies on the internet, and space-based digital trade, which is what we are working on. Space-based digital trade involves deploying AI in space, using satellites to distribute data through a space computing system to different parts of the world.


Our approach to digital trade is unique. So, how do we conduct digital trade? Our satellite is flying in space, equipped with AI STRING AI Computing Unit, which generates a large amount of data. After that, I can process it through this ground-based platform,and distribute the data to our users. 


In this way, we offer two services: one is allowing users to directly use our satellite for digital trade, and the other is providing the final calculated results to the end users. The subject of our trade is data, and our trading platform can operate both on the ground and in space. On the ground, it s like what we call the Silk Road, and in space, we build a space-based Silk Road. 


We ve developed a product called the Space App. So how does it work? Here s an interesting story: the Rwanda Space Agency used our satellite platform to create a Space App for identifying illegal buildings. After developing it, they upload the data to our satellite, which performs the calculations as it passes over their country. The results are then sent back to the Rwanda Space Agency.And they can get the result. This is a typical process of digital trade.


Moreover, this approach has further applications. For instance, Kenya and Tanzania also use this Space App on our platform to provide similar services, creating a positive cycle. This is our new form of digital trade.


Last year, we participated in the Global Digital Trade Expo with our AI-powered satellite and won the Gold Award at the second edition of the Digital Technology Awards. This year, we ve brought our space computing system, our key technologies, and stories of how we empower our international partners to the third Global Digital Trade Expo. We hope that through this platform, we can bring new experiences, technologies, and models to people around the world. We firmly believe that digital trade will become a major mode of international cooperation in the future.


Digital Trade, Global Access. Looking forward to seeing you at the 3rd Global Digital Trade Expo!

诚挚邀请大家在数贸会期间莅临参观,地卫二在数贸会人工智能展区 / 浙江馆展馆8-T025展位,期待您的到来!




来源:全球数字贸易博览会组委会办公室  作者:  编辑:陈俊男